(台北 / 台中 / 宜兰 /新竹/ 南投 )
4* hotel through
Bib Gourmand Recipe
Star Onion Farm
Leofoo Village Theme Park
Cingjing Farm
Jiufen Old Street Shifen Old Street
Shopping stop
Indigenous & Local specialty shop
Tianlu Center
Gather at KLIA airport for an unforgettable journey to Taiwan, a captivating treasure island known for its stunning beauty.
Jiufen Old Street : picturesque destination that transport you back in time. Indulge in a variety of local
snacks and street foods in the narrow lanes, traditional architecture and lantern-lit alleys.
Shifen old street(INC 4 person, 1 sky lantern): famous for its traditional sky lanterns, write your wishes and release it into the sky on the railroad tracks, creating a magical experience.
Star Onion Farm : learn about the farming process of onion cultivation and engage in hands-on expériences such as onion picking and making your own scallion pancake. You can also interact with some small animals here.
Dongmen night market : indulge in a gastronomic adventure as you explore the stalls offering a wide range of delectable food and drinks
Leofoo Village Theme Park : known for its wide range of thrilling rides and attractions. From roller coaster slides, safari adventure, water park, live shows and performances, there is something to suit everyone.
Fengjia Night Market : A famous tourist night market in central Taiwan, known for its trendy fashion scene and extensive array of street food and local delicacies. You can indulge in affordable local delicacies like Ming Lun egg pancakes, bird eggs, and sugar-coated hawthorns.
Sun Moon Lake (boat tours) : Embark on a scenic boat to enjoy the scenery of the lake and surrounding mountains. Home to indigenous tribes, temples and pagodas that showcase the rich cultural heritage of
the region.
Indigenous & Local specialty shop: Discover products from the local area.
Qingjing Farm : enjoy fresh mountain air and breathtaking views of rolling hills. Watch the sheep shearing show at designated times. Walk along the glass-bottomed skywalk to enjoy the panoramic views of the surroundings.
Lukang Old Street :explore the well-preservedarchitecture as this area was once the prominent trading hub during Qing Dynasty.Step back in time asyou walk though the old street lined with traditional shops and temples. Savour traditional street food and witness traditional craft demonstrations.
Glass Mazu Temple : Renowned for its distinctive architectural design, it combines traditional temple elements with modern glass structures. The glass-roofed temple has a open-air design,
enhancing overall ambiance.
Locomotive Shed : shaped like a fan, the garage design is primarily used to park multiple trains. The trainscan be rotated through a fan-shaped turntable.Rail fans, get ready to take some nice photos here.
Yizhong Shopping District : You're into fashion andthe latest trends, don't miss out on Yizhong NightMarket
Pineapple cake Diy : Enjoy hands-on experience tocreate this popular Taiwanese treat. There are pastries of different flavours sold here, you can buy them back and give them to your friends and relatives to taste.
Tianlu Center : Understanding Tianlu culture in Taiwan.
101 shopping malls : located in Taipei 101, the famous landmark in Taiwan. Take photos of the 10th tallest building in the world or shop for souvenirs in the stores here.
Ximending : Is currently already being called the “Harajuku of Taipei”. It is a trendy hub for movies, fashionable clothing, accessories, stylish boutique items, street foods and more.
Transfer to the airport for your flight home.
九份老街 : 那里可以品尝草仔粿、蕃薯芋- 头丸、潮洲鱼丸等各式小吃。
十分车站(四人一盏天灯): 可体验在火车轨道上释放天灯乐趣, 也可以目睹全台湾独一无二的火车穿过老店前的铁路之奇景 (约 4人 1 颗 天灯).
星宝葱农场 :可以了解葱的种植和品种,农场提供导览和活动,让游客体验种植葱的魅力,并了解当地农业产业。里面也有蔥派DIY可以制作有 “蔥”版本的Roti canai。园区内也有一些小動物可以互動。
东门夜市 :东门观光夜市位于宜兰市东港陆桥下方、沿着圣后街、和睦路成为宜兰夜晚的闪亮之星,各式各样的摊贩在此展开,吃、喝、玩、乐都能在宜兰东门夜市满足。
六福村主题游乐园 :位于新竹的六福村主题乐园里面有很多设施如:非洲部落、南太平洋、美国大西部六福水乐园。 里面有进距离观赏猛兽,大峡谷急流泛舟、笑傲飞鹰、旋转木马等设备可以一票玩到底。
逢甲夜市: 特色小吃聚集的地区, 异国风味小吃近来异军突起,包括鸟蛋荷包蛋, 墨西哥袋饼,日本酥脆棒.
日月潭游船 :游船可以带你绕行湖泊,欣赏湖光山色和周围的风景。
原民山产中心 :选购山地特产.
清境农场 :可以漫步在广阔的青青草原上,沿途还有绵羊剃毛秀可以看(有指定时间)、看完绵羊秀就可到清境高空景观步道,玻璃建筑的步道可以一览无余山上的美景。
鹿港老街 :古色古香的老街商圈,鹿港天后宮算是鹿港老街的正中心,还可以去摸乳巷、半边井、桂花巷艺术村等等。 在鹿港老街可以试吃面茶、白糖果。 不只有好吃的好看的,沿途的路上都有一些小游戏可以玩。
玻璃妈祖庙 : 用玻璃盖的庙宇美轮美奂的玻璃庙,走进好似来到仙境一般,馆内中央是露天设计,像是有天公的照看.
扇形车库 :建筑形状呈扇形。 这种车库设计主要用于停放和保护多辆车辆。 也有人称它为「火车头旅馆」,复驶成功的两具蒸气车头也停靠在这边,透过扇形铁轨转盘转动。里面摆设着各种各样的火车头可以去拍照及参观。
台中一中商圈 :育才街上多是小吃摊,而服饰店多在小巷子中。 各式新潮前卫的玩意都会在此先出现,若你是流行的追求者,一中夜市绝对不能错过。
凤梨酥DIY :有专业的老师教导如何制作凤梨酥、制作后可以吃掉自己的成果。此处皆有贩售不同口味的糕点,可以购买回去给亲朋好友们品尝。
天禄艺术中心 : 参观及了解一下雕塑品.
101购物中心(观景台自费) :台湾台北地标,最高楼层101 层,可以在外面拍摄美图转发社交平台,也可以到里面的百货逛街买伴手礼。
西门町 :在这里集合了时下年青人所有的最爱,电影、流行服饰、饰品、流行精品、舶来品、刺青、各 国美食、偶像歌手签唱会的潮流地带。
AIG Superior Insurance below 70 years old | AIG Superior Insurance 71 to 85 years old |
81 | 161 |
AIG Superior Insurance below 70 years old | AIG Superior Insurance 71 to 85 years old |
81 | 161 |
For more information on travel insurance, kindly click here.
– Price excludes travel insurance. For more information, please contact us.
– Prices are subject to change due to currency, airport tax and fuel tax fluctuations.
Please note that flight details are subject to change. You are advised to double check the latest flight schedule with us before the purchase of any connecting flights, transportation services or accommodation reservations.
Deviation is subject to additional charges, availability and final approval from airlines.
– The tour excludes all personal incidentals – laundry, travel insurance, excess baggage charges, room service, room items damage during the occupancy, beverages, gratuities to driver and tour escort, optional tours, and all items of personal nature.
– All special requests that a traveller may have, such as special dietary requirements, special seating arrangements, requests for adjoining rooms, requests for a smoking room, etc. are subject to availability and confirmation, and we will not be responsible if any such request is not or cannot be met for any reason.
– Single room occupancy is usually at additional cost. For triple-share rooms, the third bed may be a “roll-away” bed.
– Not all hotels provide electric kettle and ironing facilities.
– Tour is conducted either in Mandarin or English. A bilingual (Mandarin/English) guide will be provided upon request and is subject to confirmation and additional charges may be applied.
– Tour description in English maybe not accurate and up to standard translate, the english version shall prevail.