大阪 / 京都 / 高山 / 白川乡 / 东京 / 足利
- Ashikaga Flower Park (Wisteria)
足利花卉公园 (紫藤花) - Motosu Lake Shibazakura Festival
本栖湖芝櫻庆典 - Japan's Top 100 Famous Waters - Oshino Hakkai
日本名水百选- 忍野八海 - World Cultural Heritage - Gasshang Village, Shirakawa Township
世界文化遗产-白川乡合掌村 - Special Meal : Shabu Shabu, Hida Beef, Wisteria Bento
风味餐: 涮涮锅,飞驒牛肉,紫藤便当
Optional tour
No Tour Optional
Shopping stop
No Shopping Stop
Assemble at KLIA for your flight to Kansai.
Arrival Kansai airport meet and transfer to city tour.
Osaka Castle (Outlook & Photo section) is a Japanese
castle located in Osaka During the Edo period, Osaka
Castle was the heart of one of the most important
castle towns in Japan.
Shinzaibashi: Osaka busiest shopping paradise and
entertainment area is another place that not to be
Kiyomizu-dera Temple: Over a thousand years old
and could almost be called an institution of Kyoto life.
Continue journey to Gifu for overnight stay.
Takayama San-machi Suji is a group of three main
streets at the heart of Takayama city, lined with iconic
architecture that creates a nostalgic atmosphere.
Shirakawago Village Nestled in a rural setting
reminiscent of the old Japan, Shirakawa-go is
world-famous for its steeply thatch-roofed or
"gassho-zukuri" style traditional of the finest in
The Tateyama Kurobe Alpine Route has distance of
86km and goes from Tateyama station on the Toyama
Chiho Tetsudo line to Nagano Ogisawa. On the way to
the Alpine route, there are many scenic spots. View
Tateyama one of Japan's 3 Scared Mountains and has
been worshipped since ancient times.
Enjoy picturesque rural scenery along the
Tateyama-Kurobe Alpine route via a combination of
6 different transportations: Tateyama cable car,
highland bus, tunnel trolley bus, Kurobe cable car,
Kanden tunnel Electrical bus and ropeway. Along the
way pass by the 350 metre high Shomyo daki, the
highest waterfall in Japan, and also Murodo where a
spring of 2-5 degrees Celsius gushes out even in
At Daikanbo thrill to a sweeping view of the majestic
Ushiro-Tateytama Mountain Range, which tower likes
a huge folding screen. Explore the famous Kurobe Alps,
also known as the spinal core of Japan, for its unique
diversity of floras, faunas and alps scenieries. Next be
amaze by Kurobe Dam, one of the greatest man made
wonders in the world. (popularly known as "Kuroyon
Dam". You ma experience the famous Snow Corridor if
you visit between end April and end Jun subject to
weather conditions). (Vise Verse)
The visit to the snow corridor is subject to weather
conditions and the opening period by local
Proceed to Isawa Hot Spring area. Tonight you able to
enjoy the Japanese hot spring in the hotel.
Mt. Fuji, the symbol of Japan! If weather permitted,
coach will drive up to 5th station, if in good weather
condition, may have a panoramic view of Mt Fuji -Izu
Hakone National Park.
Oshino Hakkai, a small village at the foot of Mt. Fuji
with its famous eight ponds are fed by snow melt
from the slopes of nearby Mount Fuji that filters down
the mountain through porous layers of lava for over
80 years, resulting in very clear spring water and was,
in 1985, selected to be among the hundred best
natural waters in Japan...
Lake Motosu Shibazakura Near Lake Motosu, located
at the base of Mt. Fuji, there is area where shibazakura
grow. During the time when the first flowers bloom
each year, the "Fuji Shibazakura Festival" is held.
The view of Mt Fuji and shades of pink of the blooming
shibazakura is spectacular. There are more than
800,000 tiny moss phlox flowers planted throughout
the park, in pink, purple, white, and blue varieties,
creating beautiful swirls of colour, covering 2.4
hectares of land.
Shibazakura bloom from mid April to late May.
(subject to weather conditions)
Shinjuku do your last min. shopping here! And, you
may visit the famous entertainment Kabuki-cho area.
Photo stop at the Imperial Palace, where their
Majesties the Emperor and Empress reside. It is a
classic cherry blossom viewing spot in spring.
*Then, proceed to Shibuya, Tokyo's prime youth
fashion district.
Asakusa Kannon Temple & Nakamise shopping
street: is a 300m approach to Sensoji Temple, is one
of the oldest shopping streets : is a 300m approach
to Sensoji Temple, is one of the oldest shopping
streets in Japan. The arcade dates from the late 17th
century, when local people were granted the special
right to open shops along the approach to the temple.
Ashikaga Flower Park : One of the best places to view
fuji flowers. It features lots of blue, white and pink fuji, as
well as yellow laburnum (Japanese: kingusari) that
look like yellow colored fuji. One large fuji tree is 100
years old and its branches are supported to create a
huge umbrella of blue fuji flowers. There is also a long
tunnel of white fuji flowers, while a tunnel of yellow
kingusari needs a few more years to become an actual
tunnel. Yae-fuji, a variety with more than the usual
number of petals, can also be viewed. (subject to
weather conditions)
Proceed to Odaiba Diver City, provides a full range of
entertainment, relaxation, surprises and uniqueness.
Many leading edge fashion brands, both domestic
and imported, including some casual and some
rather unique and creative, will be present.
You will be transferred to Narita International airport for
your flight home. Home Sweet Home !
心斋桥 : 大阪最繁华的商业街是个让你疯狂购物的好地方.
清水寺 : 日本历史最古旧之京都古刹之一。两旁你可看到各
高山上三之町 : 城市最著名,保存最完善 的古街,每一间房子
都保留了江户时代格子 窗建筑的古朴风貌。
白川乡合掌村, 参观日本传统建筑珍宝,百多栋『合掌造』
今天,您将畅游连接富山和长野县的立山黑 部阿尔卑斯山路线
途中您可欣赏到列日日 本三大圣山的立山,浏览四周山脉群峰
所形 成的壮丽风景。您可乘坐6种不同的交通工 具,尽情欣赏
周围的美景,这六种交通工具 分别为立山缆车、高原巴士、隧
道巴士、空 中缆车、黑部地下缆车和关巴山路巴士。沿 途回
经过日本最高, 350米高的称名瀑布。 畅游著名的黑部山脉,
饱享大自然风光。接 着游览被视为世界最伟大人造奇观之一
的黑 部水坝。观赏日本阿尔卑斯山的美景。(反之亦然)
**大雪谷的冰雪走廊只限于四月下旬至六月下旬道 路开放时
*最后前往著名的石和温泉区。 今晚可别忘了体验泡露天风吕
,将您一身疲 累不舒畅之身躯一泡而空
如天气许可的 话,车子将开到富士山第五和目,如果天气 良好
的话,可以欣赏火山爆发后形成的大自 然风景。
忍野八海, 从富士山的雪水流经 地层数十年过滤成清澈的泉
水地。其秀丽 的田园风光,池水波光潾潾与美丽的富士山 合
规模最大的芝櫻庆典,占地2.4顷约80万株 芝樱包围着龙神池,
更有富士山为背景搭配 红色、白色、紫色、粉红色的芝樱,烂
漫怡 人,美不胜收!
季节限定:粉红花毯 本栖湖富士芝櫻祭 (4月中旬至5月下旬)
前往新宿,是日本最著名的繁华商业区, 也是亚洲最大等级
接着到涉谷享受欢乐购物游!东京代表性 的繁华商圈,时尚
杂志的街拍地,围观街 头的乐队表演。
浅草观音寺,这座寺庙 的标志是在门前悬挂着巨大红的的灯
笼, 引向寺庙的仲见世街道,街道两旁摆满了 各种传统日本小
吃摊位,在这里买到精致 漂亮的纪念品。
日本枥木县的足利花卉公园,是座以花卉 为主题而有“花的
艺术村”之称的公园。 一年四季都有不同的花卉展示,分有
八大 主题,但是最有名的就是四月下旬~ 五月 园百花撩乱、
目不暇给。园中2株大藤延 展开的600坪超大藤花架,超过一
浪漫、 优雅到极点, 令人屏息的藤花瀑布,让人毕生难忘的美
景! **按气候而定**
AIG Superior Insurance below 70 years old | AIG Superior Insurance 71 to 85 years old |
81 | 161 |
AIG Superior Insurance below 70 years old | AIG Superior Insurance 71 to 85 years old |
81 | 161 |
For more information on travel insurance, kindly click here.
– Price excludes travel insurance. For more information, please contact us.
– Prices are subject to change due to currency, airport tax and fuel tax fluctuations.
1 | MH 52 | KUL | KIX | 22:15 | 05:45 | 6 HOURS 30 MINUTES |
8 | MH 89 | NRT | KUL | 10:20 | 16:45 | 7 HOURS 25 MINUTES |
Please note that flight details are subject to change. You are advised to double check the latest flight schedule with us before the purchase of any connecting flights, transportation services or accommodation reservations.
Deviation is subject to additional charges, availability and final approval from airlines.
– The tour excludes all personal incidentals – laundry, travel insurance, excess baggage charges, room service, room items damage during the occupancy, beverages, gratuities to driver and tour escort, optional tours, and all items of personal nature.
– All special requests that a traveller may have, such as special dietary requirements, special seating arrangements, requests for adjoining rooms, requests for a smoking room, etc. are subject to availability and confirmation, and we will not be responsible if any such request is not or cannot be met for any reason.
– Single room occupancy is usually at additional cost. For triple-share rooms, the third bed may be a “roll-away” bed.
– Not all hotels provide electric kettle and ironing facilities.
– Tour is conducted either in Mandarin or English. A bilingual (Mandarin/English) guide will be provided upon request and is subject to confirmation and additional charges may be applied.
– Tour description in English maybe not accurate and up to standard translate, the english version shall prevail.