十一天 八晚 高加索之旅
Tour code : ECAG11

Azerbaijan / Georgia / Armenia
阿塞拜疆 / 格鲁吉亚 / 亚美尼亚


Baku old city, visit Shirvan Shahs Palace Complex, view Maiden tower, Yanar Dag
Historical sites in Abseron Peninsular 
Enjoy the Caspian Sea cruise 
Enjoy Traditional Azerbaijan Show
Shamakhi Diri Baba Museum , Yeddi Gumbaz complex and Juma Mosque 
Sheki Khan Palace and Sheki History Museum , Albanian church 
Khareba winery tour & wine tasting
Sighnaghi Bodbe Monastery
Tbilisi old town and return cable car to  Narikala Fortress, Bridge of Peace
Mtskheta Svetitskhoveli Cathedral and Jvari Monastery 
4x4 jeeps ride to Mt Kazbegi 
Enjoy dinner with Folk Show
A medieval monastery complex in Haghpat 
The largest lake in the Caucasus Lake Seven and monastic complex Monastery
Garni Pegan Temple and Garni Gorge (by car to see the “Symphony of Stones”)
Khor Virap –view the twin peak of Mt Ararat 

巴库老城区, 参观希尔万沙宫殿, 少女塔拍照, Yanar Dag 
参观沙马基的迪里·巴巴陵墓, 叶迪·古巴兹陵墓和沙马基区的朱玛清真寺
第比利斯老城区,乘搭缆车到纳里卡拉城堡, 和平桥
高加索最大的湖- 塞凡湖和塞凡纳旺克修道院 -意为“黑色寺院”的修道院
参观加尼·帕根神庙和加尼峡谷 (坐车观看出名的景观是“石头交响曲”)

Meal on Board

Assemble at KLIA for your departure flight to Baku, the capital of Azerbaijan.

Meal on Board / L-Local / D-Chinese

Baku City Tour - Visit Upland park with its picturesque view on Baku city and its bay, photostop at Heydar Aliyev Center .

Baku old city “Icherisheher - the medieval fortress of the 15th - 17th centuries (in UNESCO World Heritage list). Visit Shirvan Shahs Palace Complex (15th Century), photo stop at Maiden tower and Medieval Karvansaray.

Sapphire Byil Baku or Similar
Breakfast / L-Local / Local Dinner

Gobustan - The quality and density of its rock art engravings presents for hunting, fauna, flora and lifestyles in pre-historic times and for the cultural continuity between prehistoric and medieval times. Gobustan declared as UNESCO world heritage site in 2007. 
The Fire Temple Ateshgah - The temple of Zoroastrians - Ateshgah (literally “the house of fire”, “the place of fire”).
Yanar Dag : Is a natural gas fire which blazes continuously on a hillside.

Sailing boat at Caspian Sea - Is the world's largest inland body of water, classed as the world's largest lake. (subject to weather permiting)
Traditional Azerbaijan Show

Sapphire Byil Baku or Similar
Breakfast / L-Local / D-Hotel

Shamakhi - It is the capital and trade center for western Azerbaijan for a long time. Visit Juma Mosque in Shemakhi. (Close on Friday & Sunday)
Sheki - A city in northwestern Azerbaijan. Visit famous Sheki Khan Palaca and Sheki History Museum. Next visit ancient Albanian Church in Kish Village.

Sheki Palace or Similar
Breakfast / L-Local / D-Chinese

From Sheki transfer to Georgia border - Lagodekhi. 
Khareba Winery - This winery is famous for its wine tunnel, a manmade tunnel that was built out of rocks. Wine Tasting
Sighnaghi - Surroundings are home to several historical and cultural monuments. The town is walled with the remnants of 18th century fortifications. At the elevation of about 790 m above sea level, the town overlooks the Alazani valley and faces the Greater Caucasus Mountains. 
Bodbe Monastery - is a Georgian Orthodox monastic complex. Originally built in the 9th century.
Tbilisi: The capital and the largest city of Georgia, lying on the banks of the Mtkhvari River.

Astoria Tbilisi or Similar
Breakfast / L-Local / D-Chinese

City walking tour – see the Old Town Metekhi, Monument of King Vakhtang Gorgasali, photo stop at Abanotubani -known for its sulfuric baths, visit Shardeni Street 
Bridge of Peace - A bow-shaped pedestrian bridge. The bridge was designed by the Italian architect. 
Narikala Fortress by cable car - Stay on ancient fortress to overlook Tbilisi. (Subject to weather permitting)
Mtskheta: The former Georgian capital, sometimes called “Little Jerusalem” on account of the town’s immense cultural and religious significance.

Svetitskhoveli Cathedral - An Orthodox Christian cathedral located in the historic town of Mtskheta, it is the second largest church building in Georgia and UNESCO World Heritage site.
Jvari Monastery – temple of the “Holy Cross”, built in the 6th century and listed as a UNESCO World Heritage site. Stands on the rocky mountaintop at the confluence of the Mtkvari and Aragvi rivers, overlooking the town of Mtskheta.

Astoria Tbilisi or Similar
Breakfast / L-Local / D-Local+Folk show

Ananuri Fortress - A castle complex on the Aragvi River. 
Zhinvali Dam (photo stop) - is a hydroelectric dam, on the Aragvi River.
Kazbegi a small mountain village in the north-east Georgia, close to Russian boarder. Take the 4x4 jeeps ride to overlook the Caucasus Mountains and visit Gergeti Trinity Church (subject to weather permitting) 
Russian - Georgian Friendship Monument (Photo Stop) - A monument built in 1983. Inside the cylinder monument, a vibrantly colored mural depicts heavily stylized scenes from Georgian and Russian histories.

Astoria Tbilisi or Similar
Breakfast / L-Local / D-Local

Transfer to Georgia and Armenia Border - Sadakhlo.  
Haghpat Monastery - Is a medieval monastery complex in Haghpat, Armenia. Placed on UNESCO's World Heritage List in 1996.
Lake Sevan - Is the largest lake in the Caucasus and one of the largest high-altitude freshwater lakes in the world. Its colours and shades change with the weather, forming dazzling azure to dark blue hues, and a thousand shades in between.
Sevanavank Monastery - Is a monastic complex located on a peninsula at the northwestern shore of Lake Sevan.
Yerevan - The capital city of the Republic of Armenia, one of the oldest continuously inhabited cities in the world.

Opera Suit Yerevan or Similar
Breakfast / L-Local / D-Chinese

Garni - Visit Garni Pegan Temple that sits on a cliff overlooking a ravine surrounded by mountains  
Garni Gorge - Visit this site to see the stunning natural rocks known as the “Symphony of Stones” or “Basalt Organ.” The rocks have long hexagonal vertical columns that are linked to the organ of the church.  
Lunch at the local house with “Lavash” making master class
Geghard Monastery - Famous because of the relics that it houses – the lance that wounded Christ on the cross.
Etchmiadtzin Cathedral - The Mother Cathedral of Holy Etchmiadzin is one of the most ancient and most beautiful examples of Christian architecture (it can be closed , instead of it visit to Hripsime church).

Opera Suit Yerevan or Similar
Breakfast / L-Local

Khor Virap monastery - A holy site of the Armenian Apostolic Church and an important pilgrimage location. View the twin peaks of Mout Ararat, where Noah’s Ark rested after the great flood. 
Yrevan city orientation tour- View the key landmarks such as Cascade Monument, the Opera House and Republic Square. 
Transfer to Airport for your departure flight back home.

Meal on board

Arrive home, bringing with you beautiful souvenirs and sweet memories of your Caucasus tour with us !

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