- 东京晴空塔 Tokyo Skytree
- 足利花园 Ashikaga Flower Park
- 鬼怒川温泉区 Hot Spring Bath in our Kinugawa onsen hotel.
- 日光东照宫 Futarasan shrine
- 华严瀑布景区 Kegon Falls
- 川越 Kawagoe
Optional tour
No Tour Optional
Shopping stop
No Shopping Stop
Assemble at KLIA for check-in your flight to TokyoNarita .
(If flying with ANA will first day arrival , Meet and greet upon arrival and transfer to Hotel. Next day will provide breakfast)
Morning arrival ,if flying with Malaysia Airlines.
Asakusa Kannon Temple : a temple town and home of the famous a popular visiting placeduring holidays and festivals.
You will find many small stands selling snack foods, traditional gifts, and souvenirs along the Nakamise-dori lining the path to this temple founded
in the 7th century.
Tokyo Skytree: Proceed Tokyo Skytree (observation deck) is a broadcasting, restaurant, and observation tower in Sumida, Tokyo, Japan. It became the tallest structure in Japan in 2010[2] and reached its full
height of 634.0 metres.
Harajuku: Proceed to Harajuku for shopping.
Transfer to Ashikaga , about 70KM away from Tokyo.
Ashikaga Gakko: Proceed Ashikaga Gakko (meaning the Ashikaga School) is Japan's oldest academic institution. It is located in Ashikaga city, Tochigi Prefecture, The re-established school is now under the direction of Ashikaga city Board of Education. In 1990 several huge wooden buildings of the old school were restored.
Ashikaga Flower Park: Visit Ashikaga Flower Park has more than 350 wisterias, The most memorable
displays are the wisteria tunnels up to 80 m (87 yards) long that the visitor walks through enjoying the beauty of the pendulous racemes from below.
Tonight enjoy Hot Spring Bath in our Kinugawaonsen hotel.
Morning ,transfer to Nikko is a small city in Japan’s Tochigi Prefecture, in the mountains north of Tokyo.
Nikko Toshogu: Visit Nikko Toshogu , It is part of the "Shrines and Temples of Nikko , a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
Futarasan shrine: Visit Futarasan shrine , It is also known as Nikkō Futarasan Shrine, to distinguish it from
the shrine in nearby Utsunomiya.
Edo Wonderland Nikko Edomura: Proceed to Edo Wonderland Nikko Edomura is a Japanese cultural
theme park located in the Kinugawa Onsen area of Nikko, Tochigi. The park resurrects and showcases the life and culture of the Edo period.
Kegon Falls: Visit Kegon Falls scenic area , is located at Lake Chuzenji in Nikko National Park near the city of
Nikko, Tochigi Prefecture, Japan. The falls were formed when the Daiya River was rerouted by lava flows.
Lake Chuzenji: Visit Lake Chuzenji is a scenic lake in Nikko National Park in the city of Nikko, It was created
20,000 years ago when Mount Nantai erupted and blocked the river.
Kawagoe : Visit Kawagoe , small town lined with Kurazukuri (clay-walled warehouse-styled) buildings, retains an ambience reminiscent of an old town from the Edo Period (1603-1867) and allows us to imagine the streets from past centuries. Thereby, Kawagoe
became known as "Little Edo".
Great Buddha of Kamakura : Visit Great Buddha of Kamakura ,The temple is renowned for its "Great Buddha" a monumental outdoor bronze statue of
Amida Buddha which is one of the most famous icons of Japan.
Tsurugaoka Hachimangu : Proceed to Tsurugaoka Hachimangu , is the most important Shinto shrine in the city of Kamakura, The shrine is at the geographical and cultural center of the city of Kamakura.
Yokohama Landmark Tower: photo stop Yokohama Landmark Tower- A 70-story skyscraper is 296 meter high and a symbol of Yokohama Yokohama Red Brick Warehouse – Established as warehouses in the early
20th century and then rebuilt to cater to shopping, dining, and entertaining options.
Yamashita Park : Enjoy a romantic view of the Bay Bridge and ships passing through the port. A passenger boat Hikawamaru is anchored in front of the port.
China Town: One of the biggest Chinatown in the world which has more than 500 restaurants and groceries. Beautiful Chinese gates are seen in various places. Yokohama Motomachi shopping street – A shopping street opened at the period of opening the
port. It has been a popular shopping spot for residents and visitors like.
Minato Mirai 21: is a major center for business, shopping, and tourism, attracting visitors and businesspersons throughout the Greater Tokyo Area.
Narita-san Shinshō-ji: is a Shingon Buddhist temple located in central Narita, Chiba, Japan. It was founded
in 940 by Kanchō Daisōjō, a disciple of Kōbō Daishi.
Naritasan: Proceed to Naritasan. It is the 165,000 square meters. There are three lakes that are surrounded by beautiful Japanese garden full of
cherry blossoms and plum trees. Depending on the seasons, beautiful flowers and foliage can be observed each season.
Transfer to Narita International airport for your flight home.
东京晴空塔 : 登上东京晴空塔(观景台)又称东京天空树,其高度为634.0公尺,目前世界第二高的人工构造物,仅次于哈里发塔。
前往原宿商圈购物 。
足利学校 :前往足利学校,或称为足利大学,日本古代(一说为平安时代初期,一说为镰仓时代)创办的一所高等学校,被称为“日本最古老的综合大学”。在室町时代和战国时代,是日本关东事实上的最高学府。
足利花园 :游览足利花园,占地8万2千平方公尺,每年5月更是赏藤花的好地方。数量多又集中因此享负盛名,育有六种藤花高达300株,颜色依次绽放为粉红藤、大藤、大长藤、八重藤、白藤、黄藤等等。当然,不同的季节有着不一样的花圃。
鬼怒川温泉区 :前往鬼怒川温泉区,今晚夜宿于鬼怒川温泉区的酒店,享受泡汤之乐。
日光: 前往日光,位于日本关东地方北部、栃木県西北部位置,是一个集山岳、湖沼、瀑布等自然风景为一体的国际观光文化都市。年间约有近600万日本国内外的游客光顾于日光。
日光东照宫 :前往日光东照宫,建于1617年(元和3年)的神社,属于德川家灵庙之一,主要祭祀的是将江户幕府初代将军德川家康神格化后的神明「东照大权现」。目前被列入世界文化遗产名录。
日光二荒山神社 :游览日光二荒山神社,该神社创建于神护景云元年(767年),神社建筑构造的样式为以石材为地基木制结构的「权现造」样式。其主要祭拜的神明为日光的三个山神:大己贵命、田心姬命、味耜高彦根命,合称二荒山大神。
日光江户时代村 :前往日光江户时代村,就是个以江户时代为主题的乐园,里头重现了江户时代的街景,工作人员也都是以江户时代的装扮。
中襌寺湖: 中襌寺湖区游览,在日光国家公园的范围内树林茂盛风景优美的湖泊, 位处奥日光的神圣火山,此湖是由火山
溶岩形成的, 已有两万多年历史.
镰仓大佛:游览镰仓大佛 ,也被称为高德院大佛是古都镰仓的象征,高德院是一个净土宗派的寺院,镰仓大佛是高德
鹤冈八幡宫 : 游走鹤冈八幡宫, 充满购物乐趣的小町街. 位于镰仓市的鹤冈八幡宫,作为古都镰仓的象征,是一座每天
横滨 : 来到横滨。首先外观横滨地标塔-为一个有70层高天空花园与296米高的地标塔。前往横滨红砖货舱-由20
山下公园: 游览山下公园-面对横浜港,沿海岸长约 1 公里,于 1930 年建成开放,是日本最早的临海公园,现已成
中华街: 前往中华街-约700 米的四方小街区里,中国餐馆、食品批发店、杂货店鳞次栉比。商店数量超过 300 家。
横滨港未来21: 前往横滨港未来21,是位于日本横滨市西区及中区交界海滨的都市再开发区,通称港未来21。
成田山: 前往成田山新胜寺是位在日本千叶县成田市的寺院、真言宗智山派大本山。被称为关东三大本山之一。寺名一
成田山公园: 游览成田山公园,是一个以3个池塘为中心的广大日本庭园。数百棵的梅花、樱花,银杏,枫叶等、巧妙
AIG Superior Insurance below 70 years old | AIG Superior Insurance 71 to 85 years old |
81 | 161 |
AIG Superior Insurance below 70 years old | AIG Superior Insurance 71 to 85 years old |
81 | 161 |
For more information on travel insurance, kindly click here.
– Price excludes travel insurance. For more information, please contact us.
– Prices are subject to change due to currency, airport tax and fuel tax fluctuations.
1 | NH 816 | KUL | NRT | 08:00 | 15:40 | 6 HOURS 40 MINUTES |
7 | NH 815 | NRT | KUL | 17:25 | 00:15 | 7 HOURS 50 MINUTES |
Please note that flight details are subject to change. You are advised to double check the latest flight schedule with us before the purchase of any connecting flights, transportation services or accommodation reservations.
Deviation is subject to additional charges, availability and final approval from airlines.
– The tour excludes all personal incidentals – laundry, travel insurance, excess baggage charges, room service, room items damage during the occupancy, beverages, gratuities to driver and tour escort, optional tours, and all items of personal nature.
– All special requests that a traveller may have, such as special dietary requirements, special seating arrangements, requests for adjoining rooms, requests for a smoking room, etc. are subject to availability and confirmation, and we will not be responsible if any such request is not or cannot be met for any reason.
– Single room occupancy is usually at additional cost. For triple-share rooms, the third bed may be a “roll-away” bed.
– Not all hotels provide electric kettle and ironing facilities.
– Tour is conducted either in Mandarin or English. A bilingual (Mandarin/English) guide will be provided upon request and is subject to confirmation and additional charges may be applied.
– Tour description in English maybe not accurate and up to standard translate, the english version shall prevail.